Boxoft Photo Slideshow Builder is a program that will let you create slideshows from your digital photos. You can also add music to your slideshow, and set different types of transitions between images. In order to build a slideshow, you will have to select the still images that you want to include in it. You can choose any image saved on your hard disks, or acquire them from a scanner or digital camera. Then, you can choose the transition effects that you want the slideshow to show between images. You can select a specific effect, or let the program use any of them randomly. To include music in your slideshow, you will have to click on the "Music" tab and choose an .MP3 file from your disks. Before being able to use it, you must click on the "Verify" button, since the program needs to check that the .MP3 file has no errors.
You can preview your slideshow at any time, and make any necessary correction. You can save your slideshows as executable files, screensavers, video files or burn them directly to a DVD or CD. The unregistered version of Boxoft Photo Slideshow Builder will let you add up to three photos to a slideshow.